In December 2020, the Quake II RTX shooter received support for the cross-platform Vulkan API, allowing it to run on AMD graphics cards. And today a patch 1.6, which extends support for AMD graphics, was released.
A key new feature of Quake II RTX 1.6 is support for AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution scaling technology, despite the fact that the project is handled by NVIDIA. The release also includes support for HDR displays, improved performance when working with highly detailed static models, faster launching of the game and loading of maps, as well as other innovations. The Quake II RTX version is based on the Q2VKPT project, developed by Christoph Schied of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology & ; he's also a former NVIDIA intern. The game runs on OS no lower than Windows 7 (x64) or Ubuntu 16.04. The original Quake II game developed by id Software company back in 2001 made the engine completely open, and the source code itself and the updated version of the shooter can be downloaded from the project page on GitHub. Also Quake II RTX is available on Steam.